Welcome to the home of

Global On-Reflection Giant Gathering

GORGG Purpose Statement
v. 1. To physically assemble and perennially celebrate lasting friendships, and create new ones, each sharing a common love and admiration for thoughtful music. 2. The spiritual and emotional bonding that arises from being a minority when the majority insists on the pejorative. 3. An enthusiastic attempt by hundreds of people to somehow try and recognise a few people for doing what no one else has done, before or since. 4. Oh and yeah, Gentle Giant should be mentioned in here too: We love you guys and your music, thank you so much.

Click the Giant button to make an online (PayPal) donation of $105 (CAD) towards the GORGG Fund...

Links to past GORGG pages
GORGG 2004
("GORGG and the Dragon")
The Country
The Castle
The Events
The T-Shirt
Who Was There?

GORGG 2003
("Columbia GORGG")
The City
The Hotel
The Events
The T-Shirt
Who Was There?

GORGG 2002
("Van GORGG")
The City
The Hotel
The Events
The T-Shirt
Who Was There?

GORGG 2001
("GORGG, Eh?")
The City
The Hotel
The Events
The Logo
Who Was There?
Ant's GORGG2K Page
GORGG 1999
GORGG 1999 Photos
Who Was There?