Gamlegård (The old farm) The official Öre-GORGG accommodation will be at two places, with a bike ride or tractor ride between them, run by Alltomven ("everything about Ven"): Gamlegården (The Old Farm, pictured left) and Turistgården (The Tourist House, pictured below).

At Gamlegården we'll have an outdoor hospitality room by the little pool. There's a small stage in the barn. Gamlegården has 8 cabins. Up to 6 persons can sleep in each one, and maybe some do, especially if they´re a family. The more convenient soloution is really 2 persons/cabin. We have reserved a few cabins for the BITB if they can participate this year. As of the remaining ones, we will probably try to let "bunches" have a cabin if possible. Like a family of four or so. Or three... Or if a gang of random singles team up for a cabin. We would recommend four as a maximum. smile

Turistgården (in the middle of Ven) is a quite lovely place for evening meals and a few workshop activities. At Turistgården there are a number of different rooms:
* 6 double rooms with their own toilet and showers.
* 6 double rooms that share toilets and showers in the corridor.
* a 5-room flat for 7 persons (4 bedrooms 2+2+2+1)
* a 4-room flat for 6 persons (3 bedrooms 2+2+2)
* a 2-room flat for 3-4 persons (2 bedrooms 2+2 (or1))

Since the standard isn´t really of hotel heights, everyone needs to be mentally prepared for something that looks more like a camp than a spa. We need to share, if not beds, but rooms - at least two by two. As was done in Rendsburg, rooms will be assigned by the Öre-GORGG committee.

Since it´s hard right now to estimate how many we will be, and who, it´s hard to promise anything special. But, naturally, if you are travelling with your spouse we´ll try to find you some sort of privacy. wink Also, if you have a problem with sharing a room or staying in one of the flats, please let us know. We also trust in your flexibility. grin

We will spread the early arrivers as much as possible. But when the number of attendees reach a peak on Thu-Sun we will need to use the empty beds. The later you are arriving at GORGG, the bigger the chance/risk of having to spend your nights along with other beautiful souls. But, who needs to sleep at GORGG, right!

If you feel like booking something of a little higher standard, you can contact Prästasvängen or Backafallsbyn (pictured below). There are quite a few other b&b options around the island as well if somebody would prefer, but it's up to each to sort out his/her booking, etc. However, you´re welcome to join the GORGG solution for only the dinner meals. We will calculate a price later on.